Sunday, April 3, 2011


The theme of confession is a scary one, no one wants to tell their secrets to the world. There has to be a way to still feel secure and express that fear. Perhaps just explaining your fears in the form of a scene or a picture would be best; even poetry can be a powerful play with words.
As for sequences and narratives, the first thing that pops into my head are stories and music videos. Or a collaboration of pictures that work together in a series to create a story or an idea.
For an alternate persona, choosing to be your opposite and acting it out for a day or so can be very challenging, especially if you don’t want to be your opposite. How would you stay motivated to be that way when you might have strong feeling against those opposing characteristics?
Personal space for me, is very important and necessary. I need that bubble to feel a sense of flexibility, and I know that everyone else does too. Any intrusion to that bubble can be problematic, awkward, intense, and a whole other bunch of negative adjectives for a person. But I think that the idea or what is taken from that insecurity holds different ways of approaching problems and concepts.

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