Saturday, April 2, 2011

Journal 6: reading responce to chapter 1 and 2

So what is a comic? According to Scott McCloud it consists of a lot more that what is expected. All the different concepts described in detail really make you think about the distinct difference that is involved in making a comic. The simplicity in the imagery and ideas bring to life a simple narrative that can only be experience through space, juxtaposed to film being expressed in time. In addition the different elements such as icons are introduced to illustrate different places, things, people and ideas.
            I never really thought about these different aspects, at least not in the same way as I do when I look at comics. Everything is put in such a way that really makes me think about everything I have seen. The difference between a comic and a film, or a painting for that matter is completely different. They all have to be seen in their own specific ways, which is why they were purposely made that way.
            Margaritte’s “ceci n’est pas une pipe” explains this further, by saying that the pipe in the picture is not a pipe, but a picture of one. That’s stating a fact, but a fact that we overlook and therefore give different meaning to the object being viewed, for example, a stop sign is not a law, it’s a symbol of one.

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