Friday, April 8, 2011


The reading mainly talks about the ideas and critical thinking behind Marcel Duchamp’s work. He questioned the idea of what art, during his time, should really be like and whether it should be followed or altered in anyway. For a time in which “retinal-art” was the main approach, Duchamp believed making a work that’s main focus was aesthetics, was a stupid. There is more to a work of art than mere aesthetics, the concept and the intentions of the artist should be taken into account, as well as the reiteration of the onlooker’s analysis of the image.
Moreover, Duchamp believed that art should be “a form of play, a game between artist and onlooker”. The relationship with the artist and the onlooker, I believe, should definitely be considered seeing as a work cannot be complete without getting some sort of criticism or response; be it negative or positive. This response is what correlates with the piece’s aura and ultimately makes it an art form. When I create something, I think about modern culture and the common understandings that come with it, because ultimately, that is what will judge and criticize my ideas and concepts. I’m not saying, that this is the only thing I take into account, but it is an important aspect, which I believe relates to this “game between artist and onlooker.”

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