Monday, April 4, 2011


                Today's lecture was very interesting, especially since it consisted about the media and how quickly an idea can be spread with a touch of a button. With social networks these days, a person’s ideas can go very far, this could be a bad or a good thing. The question then becomes, what can be ok to post and what cannot? After all, text holds no emotion and can be taken the wrong way depending how you read it.
                The idea that whatever you do or say becomes your identity and forms the kind of person you are, has a stronger impact than what is initially thought. Artist such as Albert Chong and Anne Noggle, really play into this idea and take it to the extreme by showing the audience an unexpected side to their beliefs and concepts. As a result they define themselves, as artists who do not care what is thought of them, and therefore release all their ideas and culture to the fullest, without shame or fear. To me, getting over something like that is very difficult, which is why I hold back a lot of the things that I would like to say or express. But I’m sure if the concept is strong enough, exposure to these fears become a small price to pay.

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